Nathan Anibaba
He provides content and media consulting to the likes of Disney, Sony, Microsoft, Coke…. just go down the list.
He’s been blogging since 1998, 7 years later in 2005 did it start to get really popular. He tells a fascinating story about wanting to always be a writer from an early age and was constantly rejected by publishers until 9/11 changed his approach and priorities.
If you are interested in:
- How to build trust and a following online today and how it differs from 10 years ago when his book trust agents just blew up. This is the podcast for you.
He’s very modest about his success.
He became new york times best-selling author with his first book and he said he just got lucky but he doesn’t tell you about, are the years he spent perfecting his writing skills and understanding culture and marketing before he wrote the book. That took hard work and discipline.
I think you’ll find the conversation to be really insightful and revealing.