Pete Hendrick

Managing Director at Octopus Group

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Pete Hendrick
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

Pete Hendrick is the Managing Director at Octopus Group the Brand to Sales agency, a B2B agency making their clients famous and growing their sales.

Over a 20-year career with the agency, Pete has helped build Octopus into a powerhouse B2B marketing agency with clients like Visa, BT, Siemens, Rolls Royce, and Logitech to name a few.

Octopus was recently acquired by Publicis, making the company’s future even more interesting.

We talk about:

? How Octopus Group came about and the major milestones

? Why now is such a good time to be in B2B marketing

? Why brands thrive when awareness and sales work together

? The role of creativity vs data and tight targeting

Enjoy the conversation


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