Tim Hill

Tim Hill is Growth and Development director for Hill & Partners.

Tim Hill
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

Tim Hill is Growth and Development director for Hill & Partners. His purpose is to help independent creative and design businesses grow faster, perform better and build sustainable client relationships.

As Managing Director, he’s led business transformation, re-starting growth, restructuring and re-energising businesses.


We discussed:

  1. If you are a new business person right now when the future is so uncertain, how should we be selling now?
  2. How should new business teams be taking care of their clients
  3. Coping strategies for business developers
  4. How do you think about new business development in peace times and how have you had to adjust to what has happened?
  5. Opportunism/genuine outreach/lack of empathy 
  6. How are you as a leader staying grounded at this time? 
  7. Tim’s Silver linings


I started by asking him:

Is this a good time or a bad time to sell?


Enjoy the chat.

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