Yasin Alimam

Founder of Hotpatch

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Yasin Alimam
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

Yasin Alimam is the Founder of Hotpatch, one of the most disruptive and innovative businesses around today. They connect those with available workspaces with those who need it. It’s WeWork meets AirBnB.

We talk about all things growth, how they won their first few users, brand building, how they plan to get to critical mass, and so much more.

If you are at all interested in technology, startups, and the new world of work, then you are going to find this to be an absolutely fascinating conversation.


We talk about:


? Where the idea for Hotpatch originated

? What the first product/MVP looked like

? The problems Hotpatch solves for its clients

? The key metrics to track to achieve full business potential


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