Anthony Tattum

Anthony Tattum is the Founder and CEO of Big Cat.

Anthony Tattum
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

My extra special guest this week is Anthony Tattum.

He is the Founder and CEO of Big Cat. A no-nonsense communications agency in Birmingham and London who are one of the perennial figures of the city.

He dropped out of university and started promoting club nights in the 1990s. At 19 he was filling clubs with thousands of students.
He had to learn how to generate awareness, create buzz and do PR at a young age. What a fantastic education in marketing. and 20 years later they are one of the most successful agencies in the country!

For over 20 years he has helped grow global and independent brands. They are now building Big Cat to be a leading independent Marketing Communications Agency.

Clients include the NHS, Mitchells & Butler, BHSF, Capital & Regional and Hortons to name a few.

They work across retail, Tourism, Hospitality, Health and Wellbeing, and Charity.

If you are at all interested in:
  1. The differences building a brand today as opposed to the 1990s, pre-internet.
  2. The insource vs outsource debate
  3. Value-based pricing and how agencies are experimenting with new pricing models.
  4. Birmingham’s creative renaissance.
I think you’re going to find the conversation absolutely fascinating.
Enjoy the chat!

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