Nathan Anibaba
If you are at all interested in inbound marketing, chatbots, Hubspot and content marketing. This is the conversation for you.
He is simply one of the smartest and most insightful people discussing this topic right now.
He was there really at the beginning when the Hubspot rocketship was taking off. I want to say 2009-10. That plus his background in technology has given him a unique perspective on how products should be built and taken to market.
His career has taken so many fascinating twists. In 2004 he built a technology business which eventually sold to NG Bailey. He did pretty well out of it.
If you are remotely interested in:
- What the state of inbound marketing is now that Hubspot have retired the funnel.
- How to speed up the sales cycle by understanding the client’s urgency and lack of clarity around an ideal solution
- And how to grow a business by starting from SMB upwards….
I think you’re going to find the conversation absolutely fascinating.
Enjoy the chat!