Jim Hawker

Jim Hawker is Co-Founder & Managing Director of Threepipe Reply.

Jim Hawker
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

Jim Hawker is the co-founder of Three Pipe, a multi-award-winning truly integrated agency working with some of the biggest brands in the world.

This is just a masterclass in how to continuously reinvent yourself and your offering to make sure it’s as relevant and compelling to the client as possible.

They started life as a very well respected PR agency, then transformed its self into a truly digital-first agency as the worlds of PR and SEO began to merge.

He’s been confronted with one challenging situation after then next and although each was gut-wrenching and intractable, he found ways to make sure they emerged stronger from the experience.

Whether he knew it or not, that’s stoic philosophy in action.

He’s open about the mistakes he has made, like how they lost business because they pitched really innovative digital strategies to internal people who didn’t have the knowledge or skillset, so chose a different agency, they felt more comfortable with. it’s a lesson in starting with a lower commitment, then widening the scope of work, take them on a journey.

we also discussed:

  1. Media fragmentation
  2. Leadership
  3. And what clients now expect from agencies

If you are remotely interested in any of those topics then you will absolutely love this conversation.

Enjoy the chat…

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