Rory Sutherland

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK, TED Global speaker & author of Alchemy: The Surprising Power Of Ideas That Don't Make Sense.

Rory Sutherland
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy, an attractively vague job title which has allowed him to co-found a behavioral science practice within the agency

He was previously a copywriter and creative director at Ogilvy for over 20 years, having joined as a graduate trainee in 1988.

He has been President of the IPA, Chair of the Judges for the Direct Jury at Cannes, and has spoken at TED Global. 

He writes regular columns for the Spectator, Market Leader and Impact, and also occasional pieces for Wired.

He is the author of two books: ‘The Wiki Man’, available on Amazon at prices between £1.96 and £2,345.54, depending on whether the algorithm is having a bad day, and ‘Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don’t Make Sense’.

This is part 1 of 3.

We had to divide it into 3 parts because we spoke for almost 2 hours and if we released it in one go it would break the internet, and probably blow your mind, so we’re going with a softly softly approach.


We discuss:

How we don’t perceive the world objectively

How we deceive ourselves.  

How we’ve become too focused on efficiency as opposed to effectiveness

The problem of fame and how things become famous.


Enjoy the chat


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