Stuart Bradbury

Stuart Bradbury is the Managing Director of Avantgarde. 

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Stuart Bradbury
Nathan Anibaba


Nathan Anibaba

Stuart Bradbury is the Managing Director of Avantgarde.

If you are at all interested in how to create world class global brand experiences for the likes of Mercedes/BMW, Porsche, Samsung and other global brands then this is the podcast for you.

They worked with Samsung on the Olympic torch relays for London 2012. Where they had a Million of people in the streets with the torch.

Worked for Porsche at Le Mans.

  1. We discuss the highs and lows of winning new business.
  2. Growing a pioneering global brand experience agency
  3. His hiring process
  4. How to expand internationally, how to do it and the pros and the cons.

Enjoy the chat.

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